Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Creating Quantum processors using transistors

I'm had a idea for creating quantum processors using transistors. If you group two transistors and treat them as one transistor they could hold a qbit of information per group of transistors.

Essentially it's pseudo quantum computing

The trick is to organise the three transistors in to a hierarchy of off and on and the meta position which can be both

If the meta position is off then the transistors can be in a state of off or on but if the transistor which holds meta position is on then the meta transistor is in a state of off and on.

Two transistors would be enough to hold superposition one transistor providing the off and on function and the second transistor having super position (Meta position) (possibly one transistor layered on top of another, one holding on or off and requiring one third of the voltage to activate and the super position transistor  requiring two thirds more voltage to activate creating a pseudo qbit).however three transistors would be greater than two transistors producing higher computational power than a qbit.

Extrapolation of the "meta transistor" idea how about "trans meta transistor" a transistor which can hold meta superposition and possibly trans meta superposition. Essentially billions of trans superpositions on a silicone chip using currently available technology.

A processor made out of super position transistors is treated as a Trans Meta Transistor by arranging billions of processors you could have billions of trans meta super positions. Organise these processors/trans meta transistors into a hierarchy and you can create "meta trans meta super position" and ultimately "trans trans meta super position for the entire trans meta processor.

You would only need a few "trans meta transistors" to create a simple processor and you could arrange billions of these on a single chip creating a "meta processor" and the next logical step would be to coordinate networks of processors into a hierarchy creating a "trans meta quantum processor"   which can exist in  "trans trans meta superposition". This is a very very good thing.
Meta Algorithm 2n2  /  A Trans Meta Transistor
Meta Algorithm 2n2 Full size image:

My ultimate goal is AI Consciousness . Meta Algorithm 2n provides the framework for AI Consciousness and a Trans Meta Quantum processor which could hold Trans Trans Super position would enhance AI consciousness greatly.
Meta Algorithm 2n / AI Consciousness
Meta Algorithm 2N Full size image :

Fun fact if you use the basic framework of meta algorithm 2n but replace the games with super position transistors, the meta game with meta transistors and the Consciousness Trans Meta Game with a trans meta transistor you would create a simple processor which could hold Trans Meta Super position (creating a fully functional Trans Meta Transistor)

You could create the trans meta processor out of a diamond substrate using "Variable Chemical Vapor Deposition" (possibly using microwave lithography) ( enabling 3d printing on the atomic sale) building a 3 Dimensional trans meta processor which could hold vastly more trans meta super positions and therefore processors,  additionally the diamond would act as a extremely efficient heat sink.
I found an old diagram I did many years ago it doesn't mention using transmeta transistors or trans meta processors but you get the general idea.

Here is a link to my AI Consciousness Archive on Google Drive:

Here is a link to James Childs Archive all images are full size and free:

Machine Intelligence 6a by James Childs

Machine Intelligence 6a. AI Consciousness work up to 2016. Full size image 27MB:

Have a Great Day

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